Ahhh ... Thank you blush

I'm Corrina, and I'm addicted, too. That's why this story rarely leaves my mind. That's why sometimes, I stay up late, thumping away at my keyboard. That's why I feel help when I know where I want to get to, but the way isn't clear and peep peep when I fear it's all falling apart.

It has taken a lot longer than I anticipated to get back into the swing of TMTY after the ficathon break. It was as if I lost it somewhere. confused

Laura - I hear you. Lois and Clark got romantically close in the cell, but it was never going to be sustainable. Other things needed to be put in place first. And that takes time.

I have two choices now. I could allow them to get close, kiss, be a couple in every sense of the word, and finish the series with Trail.

But I really want to write Story 4. And if I let them sort out all of their issues now, I won't have a story - or if I have a story, it will be flaky and repetitive.

I really, really don't want to write a good story and finish with a weak ending. I hope that by the time we get to Story 4, you'll understand the need for the current frustrations.

Anyway, thanks for letting me peek into your group wink I can tell you that I'm writing 23. I have about 1000 words written and the rest plotted. As soon as it is ready and goes to my amazing BRs, I'll post part 16.

THANK YOU all so much for your interest and your encouragement love
