Laura originally posted:

Step one: Avoid the computer! It is too risky to tempt fate.

Step two: Once you have failed step one, go directly to e mail, do not pass go, do not go to the fanfic link.

Step Three: Once you have failed step two and peeked into the fanfic folder, do NOT open Corrina's story.

Step four: So you peeked and now you are having withdrawal because Corrina didn't post yet. LEAVE THE COMPUTER! Do not continually check the fanfic folder.

Step Five: Stop banging your head on the desk and move to step 6.

Step six: Have a meal, hug your son, stay away from the computer!

Step seven: Do not ignore the needs of your family or your job to read Corrina's story just because she finally posted.

Step eight. Once the elation of reading Corrina's story has past and need and want sets in, do not fill your face with food to fill the gap until she posts again.

Step nine: Stop biting your nails or any other disgusting habit you may have picked up since reading TMTY. Try not to concentrate on HIGHWAY

Step ten: Stop chanting and meditating the phrase:
"Corrina will post the next chapter" Corrina will post the next chapter"

Step eleven: Continue not to keep looking in the fanfic folder for HIGHWAY.

Step tweleve: Rinse and repeat all 12 steps...
rotflol lol

I love the idea of this 12-step programme; however, sadly, I do not think it works frown I have tried avoiding the fanfic folder to see if Corrina has miraculously posted the next part. The only thing that works is if I am not anywhere near a computer that day. But then the next morning, guess where I go as soon as possible? The fanfic folder!

Sad and pathetic really (all Corrina's fault too laugh :p )
