Thanks, Kathy. You're right, sometimes it feels so good to tell someone ...

" help my mind and screen are blank
dizzy how am I going to get them out of this mess?
mad I know exactly where I'm going, but I have no idea how to get there
eek I've started posting this story

As for Highway ... I'm still half asleep right now, despite it being after 8:30am. The reason? I didn't get to bed until nearly 2am because Highway Part 1 was flying off my fingers and onto the screen.

Assuming I can function at a high enough level to get my son to school, I'll come back here and check over Trail 21 and post (although what I really want to do is find out if what I wrote last night makes any sense at all wink )

Thanks for your interest, everyone. I'm really stoked by the reaction to Junction, Bridge, and Trail. I'm not sure how the readers will feel, but I already know that Highway will be my favourite of the four.

See you after a couple of cups of coffee!!
