Clark put his elbows on his knees and folded his hands together. “Somehow Luthor heard that you were pregnant and got it into his thick head that I’m the father.
Cat:That means that Luthor was the one who sent the pictures.

Or did she already figure it out?

“I am,” Phil interrupted with a glowing grin.
He knows the truth. Biology is not what makes a father.

“Phil, I know that the ultrasound did narrow down the age of the baby and give us a due date between Halloween and Election Day,
That is pretty precise.

Clark stared at them, frankly amazed at Phil’s one-eighty from that morning.
Rejecting a child I much harder than rejecting a woman, at least in some ways. Although it is probably good that Phil came around before he learned Cat was pregnant.

“I never knew that you wanted children, Lois,” Lex said, his voice filtering back through Clark’s defenses.
No, no, no. Even if Lana had not convinced Clark that he could never father a child (I doubt she ever allowed that theory t be tested), Wells (gripe at him), as convinced Clark he never could father a child with Lois.

“Oh, I never thought I did until I saw my future without children in it,” Lois replied vaguely.
Aargh, aragh, argh. Why do you say such horrible things Lois?

“Changed his mind?” Lex echoed skeptically.
This is giving Lex hope that he can change Lois's mind.

“It’s okay, Lois. We’re engaged, and married people should share everything,” Lex said
Lois: Than why don't you tell me where you hide the Kryptonite?

“Oh, this is hilarious,” Cat giggled,
With friends like Cat, Clark does not need enemies.

Clark nodded curtly and backed around to the far side of the table, so he could keep an eye and ear on the guard to see if he was listening.
I like Clark worrying about this issue.

He pretended to fiddle with his tape recorder, clicking open the tape compartment, so his friend could see that it was empty, before snapping it shut once more.
Why does he have an empty tape recorder?

With the Daily Planet out of commission, Clark doubted his paycheck was going to be any less rubber than it was before Luthor bought the newspaper, but he nodded.
Jimbo won't cause his rent to go up at all though.

We helped Mr. Luthor as much as you, Lois, and Mr. White did after he was shot,
And Luthor was trying to get rid of me to once he took over the planet. He showed no appreciation of my saving his life.

Lois believes you’re innocent,” Clark interjected softly before Jimmy could continue.
Jimmy: Yet she remains engaged to my chief accuser.

Clark nodded, eyeing the guard, who now had a look of abstract boredom across his face. “She’s working on Luthor to have him realize that you were set up.”
Clark: But not working the way you are thinking Jimmy.

Jimmy nodded and actually appeared excited by the prospect of something other to do than staring at the cinder blocks. “Do you think it might help Lois see the light of day?”
Clark: Lois already sees the light, she just needs a way out of her investigation.

“Marcus Schwartz. Mr. Luthor hired me at the request of Lois Lane to assist in your defense,” the man replied.
Obviously without discussing it at all with Lois on the who side. Although, maybe this time the ADA on the case will be more open to Schwartz method's of persuasion.

John Pack Lambert