“Tell you…? Kent. What are you doing here?” Luthor asked, his glare narrowed as his arm around Clark’s beloved tightened.
He has more right to be by Lois than the creep Luthor does.

“I didn’t want to worry you, darling, but ‘yes’, the damage is considerable.
More evidence of how horribly Luthor treats Lois.

Some kid in the Printing Department set off a bomb,
Evidence of how much he lies to Lois.

“The police went where the evidence took them,” Luthor replied.
Clark: Only because you had planted evidence and paid police.

“Oh, please, boys, don’t fight. It’s been a hard day for all of us,” Lois interjected on Clark’s behalf as she pulled Luthor a couple of steps away from Clark’s still pointed finger.
Gripe at her defending Luthor.

“I’ve heard that smoke inhalation can be very bad for a growing fetus,” Luthor said. “I hope Ms. Grant will be fine.”
Wait, did Luthor just admit he knows that Cat is pregnant? Is there any justifiable way for him to know that that does not involve bugging the DP?

“While I was at the Daily Planet with the detectives earlier, I overheard that rumors that congratulations were in order, Kent,”
I think that should be "overheard the rumors that".

Also, Lois just slug the creep out now. He as passed the line of acceptable behavior by accusaing Clark of having sexual relations with an engaged woman.

“I ran into her out in the hall just now,” Clark said as if to explain.
Just meeting her in the hall would not have helped.

“And Luthor brought her here to get medical treatment. Apparently, he’s quite friendly with a plastic surgeon on staff.
Is this sort of like how he is "quite friendly" with his personal assistant, Mrs. Cox?

“I do hope Lois realizes that she doesn’t need a plastic surgeon to remain beautiful.”
Just the positive effects of prolonged close contact with Superman. By close, we mean extremely close.

Lois looked away so that Luthor couldn’t see her roll her eyes.
I wish she would just punch him.

“Clark’s not the father, Lex,” he heard Lois scoff with a shake of her head.
At least she tells Luthor this.

but at the same time it only deepened his guilt in not informing Lois earlier.
At least he told Lois before he told Cat's fiancé.

“Clark’s sterile, Lex,” Lois said in hushed tones, as if that mattered.
Why did she go there?

“It’s one of the reasons we broke up. I didn’t want to continue a relationship with someone with whom I couldn’t start a family.”
Oh no, that is the worst thing she could have said. Even though she told Clark she would lie, he will still assume a grain of truth.

John Pack Lambert