When, seven seconds later, Clark had returned to his living room showered and changed, Lois’s jaw had dropped by the suddenness of his reappearance.
I guess knowing he can do it and seeing him actually do it are two separate things.

the full grasp of what had just occurred hit her, and instead of falling apart as Lana had, Lois had merely nodded to herself and patted his chest, accepting him for who he was.
Finally he sees that she is not Lana. With how the reaveal worked out before, he had never fully seen it. I am sure he knew at some level she would not react like Lana, but still he had not yet seen that she would not.

Unable to resist, he had wrapped his arms around her waist once more and asked, “Do you still want to run off with me?”
party we get this scene again.

Clark took this to mean that he needed to think on his feet, because any second the focus of their now-joint investigation would come around the corner or out a door.
I am so glad they are now able to actually speak to each other with their hard to decipher code.

“My goodness, Lois! Your face!” he exclaimed with surprise that he didn’t feel at her now bandaged jaw. “What happened?”
Hopefully he can be a good actor when playing.

“I will lie to him, so don’t take anything you overhear to heart.”
I wish her telling him this would actually guarantee that he would believe it.

John Pack Lambert