Originally posted by IolantheAlias:
Basically a secret, especially a deep, dark, dangerous one, is something that can be held over you. Blackmail, fear, worry. It's with you constantly. But in the end the most worrying part of Clark's secret is that he'll be taken away, captured, hidden. If the whole world knows he exists then how could the government take him without the whole world knowing. They couldn't sneak him off and secrete him away in this world.
I would like to see this story and learn why Clark thinks he is at risk for this to happen, and how he came to this life-altering decision.
It's scheduled into the prequel ... if I ever do it.

Originally posted by Christina:
Quite honestly, I've usually been comfortable with the idea of an "in front of the camera" version of Lois. When the new52 came about I had a few mental images of the kind of news anchor that version might be and one of them was a mix of Mika Brzezinski(spelling may not be correct there, but she's the co-host of Morning Joe) and Savannah Guthrie. A bit of the hard-hitting kind and the slightly sympathetic kind. Your version of Lois, fits that mental image quite easily. I can so see Clark making semi-regular stops on her show after this.
Thanks. I wrote this Lois as fiery, blunt, agressive and forthright as the one we know, but there is a softer edge - pandering to the audience, the 'showbusiness', the friendliness, the humour which tempers it all down. Glad it worked.

Originally posted by mrsMxyzptlk:
What a fun story!

You've got an interesting setup here. With both of them having crushes on each other, how will they get a real relationship started? Neither seems to be worried about their own celebrity status, though, so it might not be that difficult. Each one seems more star-struck by the other than worrying that the other would be into them just for their celebrity image.
Yeah, there's no worry about current 'celebrity status' although ... it is the other persons 'celebrity status' which started off the crushes strangely enough.

Lois: "You put up with me for the same reason I put up with you. It's because I'm completely in love with you."
Clark: "And I love you ... Did we just make up?"
Lois: "I think so."