More episodes, eh? Excellent idea. I usually don't like gender-benders, but this one works very well. I especially like Lou's thought that Superwoman was so strong that he couldn't hurt her.

The only thing I can think of to advise as a change is to write "All right" instead of "Alright" because, as I was admonished when I first began posting here, there is no such word as "alright" even if the spellchecker doesn't flag it. And that's such a miniscule thing that it hardly counts.

I think you did a very good job showing Louis' and Clara's character by their actions and interactions. And this was just hysterical:

Some deeply buried caveman part of Louis made sounds like a contented grizzly bear. Woman pretty. Woman clean cave. Woman cook good. Good woman. Keep woman.
But we know he's not a complete throwback because he takes such good care of his little sister and because he snapped at Jimmy when he was describing how Clara's anatomy looked when she dropped her purse. Not only that, he protested Perry's "Supergirl" preference both emotionally and logically. He has a good head on his shoulders. His heart is in the right place, too, even if his self-image is badly dented.

I can see some real friendship possibilities for Clara and Cat. I can even foresee Cat figuring out Clara's secret before Louis does. That would give Clara the logistical support she'll need to maximize her time as Superwoman, along with a shoulder to cry on when Louis breaks her heart - which he surely will.

Write fast! I'm eager to see more of this body-swapped alternate universe. And if the rest of these tales are of the same high quality as this first one, we'll all have tons of fun.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing