With two women in residence, getting ready for work in the morning turned into something resembling an Olympic sport. There was the hundred yard dash to the bathroom, the obstacle course of feminine paraphernalia that had been scattered across the apartment, and the fight to the death for the first cup of coffee.

Lucy rolled her eyes. “Yes, Louie. Anything else? In case you’re wondering, yes, I am wearing underwear.”

Clara smiled somewhat shyly and Louis turned his back, already imagining the sexual harassment complaint she could bring.

But Perry! I couldn’t help it, those were the longest, shapeliest legs I’ve ever seen.
:rotlfol: Umm… I hope I’m not quoting the entire story there…

“I was putting my make-up on,” Clara said. Louis still didn’t turn around. “I just need to go get dressed. I’ll only be a minute.”
Mhmm…a ‘minute’… But it’s good camouflage. That way, nobody would assume that she’s also the Maid of Steel, given how long she takes to get dressed.

He heard her footsteps padding down the hall, and released a breath he hadn’t been aware he was holding. He needed to find her somewhere else to live, pronto.
Maybe a townhouse on Hyperion Avenue? A place where she can live with her reporter husband?

Maybe Cat would take her.

But Lucy seems to enjoy having her here…

He could delay asking Cat a few days. Purely for Lucy's sake, of course.
Yeah… that’s so going to go without a sexual harassment suit.
PERRY: I’m sorry, Ms. Kent, but it is simply not appropriate for you to defile my top investigative reporter in the storage room while a major news crisis is going on out here.

He wondered if Clara would notice if all his towels mysteriously shrank, then he shook himself and returned to the kitchen.
[Linked Image] Maybe if he did it slowly, shrink them by a centimeter each day? Then it’s like cooking lobster and Clara won’t know she’s naked until it’s too late? Funny, how one would never mention things like this with the X and Ys in their proper places? Maybe it’s because Clark is just such a darn nice guy and Lois is the naughty one?

Clara and Lou decided to walk to the Daily Planet. Normally, Clara would have flown, but on such a pretty day, walking with Lou was even better.
So, is Clara going to cradle Lou like Clark carries Lois?
Clara: [Linked Image] Only if I also want to remove certain body parts of his at the same time.

Glancing around, Clara made sure no one would see, and then super sped over to a manhole cover and disappeared down it.
That’s going to leave a stain.

“An angel!” the rescued man was gasping. “An angel appeared and saved me!”
Clara: [Linked Image]

“From now on, do what I do,” Lou advised. “Keep a change of clothes at work.”

Like lightning striking from above, Clara had a dangerous idea.
Dress up like a strumpet and try to help those poor, strong firemen over there put out that ghastly fire?

“Well what was she supposed to do, Jonathon, let the man die?” Martha Kent interrupted. “Clara, how was the ball, honey? Did Louis like your dress?”

“Don’t change the subject!”

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I go by Michael on the Archives.