Originally posted by Lara Joelle Kent:
Sorry for not leaving more feedback this time, but I wanted to let you know how much I loved this chapter. Another brilliant twist of the pilot, with a couple of funny scenes, too.

I especially loved how Lou thinks of getting tinier towels extra for Clara. goofy

Oh, and I'm totally looking forward to Lou's reaction to Superwoman. He'll probably be the one to call her the "Maid of Steel". (Will Clara threaten to not give any quotes, interviews or anything to the papers calling her that? party
Not at all! Any feedback is great. ^_^

I'm so glad you enjoyed the chapter! And I had a lot of fun writing the initial appearance of Superwoman. Here's hoping that you guys will like my take on her. :3

And yeah, 'Superwoman' is a mouthful, but she is definitely NOT going to stand for being called 'Supergirl.'

I think what's likely to happen is that she's going to wind up telling Lou her Kryptonian name for when they're in private, because Superwoman is a mouthful. (She'll be finding out her Kryptonian name much sooner than Clark, because I'm altering the timeline a little.)

Thanks again for the lovely feedback!

Originally posted by Queen of the Capes:
Once again, you show us surprising little twists that nevertheless make perfect sense! I'm loving this so far, but I admit to being afraid: is Clara going to fall for Luthor? eek Will she be able to see through him? I hope she realizes what he is before doing anything stupid, but if this is following the same path as the show... peep Oooooh, this could go either way, and the suspense in the meantime is unbearable!

(Still looking forward to COTOC: "Superwoman fathered my baby!" or "Superwoman is my baby-mama! No, really!" wink )
Originally posted by VirginiaR:
Originally posted by Queen of the Capes:
[b] (Still looking forward to COTOC: "Superwoman fathered my baby!" or "Superwoman is my baby-mama! No, really!" wink )
Superwoman left her baby son on my doorstep. [/b]
Well, I can't tell you what's going to happen with Lex, because that will ruin the suspense! :p You'll just have to wait and see XD

As of right now, I'm not planning on rewriting any episodes past S1, but never say never! If I ever do 'A Chip Off the Old Clark' I'll probably go the route of the woman claiming that Superwoman impregnated her with alien technology or something? >_>

Thanks for the feedback! laugh

One time, I met Dean Cain. He picked me up and joked it wasn't too late for me to marry Superman. It was awesome.