Lou nodded, one of those stubborn looks Clara was starting to recognize crossing his face, and then he picked up the suitcase. “Get your laptop and anything else you need. You’re coming home with me.”
eek Woah! That's quite forward of you, Mr. Lane.

Seeming to realize what he’d just said, Lou looked away, clearing his throat. “Not like that, Farm Girl. It won’t just be us. My little sister Lucy lives with me. You can bunk with her until we find you a place to stay that isn’t going to end with me identifying your corpse.”
Overprotective much? But at least he cares laugh

Lou snorted. “From what I saw tonight, you could ask Luthor for a lot of things.”
<< sing-songy >> Somebody's jealous!!! laugh

He could just make out Lucy asking Clara whether she preferred him to Lex Luthor, and Clara replying, “You know, I think I do.”

Wincing, Louis thought back to how he’d treated her tonight, concluding that she was probably too polite to badmouth him to his sister.
Here's hoping that Clara is telling the truth. smile

He went and knocked on the bathroom door. After a second, Clara opened it.

In nothing but a towel.

“My feet will not touch the ground outside this building,” Clara said.
Scout's honor!

I like how protective Louis is, especially when Clara can't tell him that she doesn't actually need to be protected. I also like Clara's budding friendship with Lucy. With Clara and Lucy hanging out, Louis can tell himself that he's just looking after Clara like he does for Lucy - that he's treating her like a little sister. That way, he can keep putting his arms around her and lie to himself about his motivation. laugh I wouldn't be surprised, though, if Clara is a year older than him, just like Clark is a year older than Lois.

"It is a remarkable dichotomy. In many ways, Clark is the most human of us all. Then...he shoots fire from the skies, and it is difficult not to think of him as a god. And how fortunate we all are that it does not occur to him." -Batman (in Superman/Batman #3 by Jeph Loeb)