I read this yesterday but I wanted to re-read Part 2 because I thought that some of these things were already covered there, but these I realized I must have been confusing this with another Pilot based story... I read so many stories over the last week prepping for the Kerths they are all starting to blend together. clap I can totally see her hiding behind her glasses (in more ways than one).

Seeming to realize what he’d just said, Lou looked away, clearing his throat. “Not like that, Farm Girl. It won’t just be us. My little sister Lucy lives with me. You can bunk with her until we find you a place to stay that isn’t going to end with me identifying your corpse.”


Lou really was a softy underneath all that macho posturing.
Nah, Louis is just being a sexist pig. I love how Louis says it like he's doing this to stave of being inconvenienced in the future. Gee, thanks, Louis.

“And if you really don’t want to stay with me, you can find somewhere else, so long as it’s not here.” He scowled. “Maybe if you call Luthor he’ll give you a room at the Lexor.”
LEX: Clara Kent, why yes. I do happen to have room in my penthouse, why don't you come and keep my bed warm... um... stay with me?

Lucy giggled, but she was looking at Louis out of the corner of her eye, and he knew she’d noticed that he let Clara call him ‘Lou.’ “Louie doesn’t approve of a lot of things. Let me guess – ‘No woman should be out this late on her own, the rapists and gangs and mobsters will get you.’”
Are you sure, you didn't mean for Lucy to say "monsters"? wink

“He,” Louis butt in, “is standing right here.”
Reap what ye sow, big fellow. You walked right into that one.

“Did you dance with anyone else?”

“Your brother.”

An excited squeal drifted down the hallway. Louis sank down onto one of his admittedly uncomfortable sofas, and put his head in his hands.

Louis watched Lucy leave, finishing his coffee and choking down a frozen breakfast burrito while he waited on Clara.

When the microwave clock ticked over to eighteen after nine, he started to get antsy. He went and knocked on the bathroom door. After a second, Clara opened it.

In nothing but a towel.
Wow, for someone with super speed she sure takes her own sweet time.

“Dad’s got money,” Lucy had confided. “But he’ll only pay if I go to medical school. Louie said I should do what I want, and he’ll help me.
This sounds a lot like Sam.

Maybe she’d take him some cookies or something, if she saw him again. Then she smiled, shaking her head at the idea. Maybe she’d do it just to see the look on his face.
Wonder what Louis would think about HIS cookies being brought to Luthor? (Being the male equivalent of Lois, I'm assuming that he would believe that all cookies belonged to him, right? wink )

“It’s after nine,” Lou observed.

Clara waited to see if there was more to that statement. “And you don’t eat Chinese after nine?”

Lou frowned at her like she was being purposefully obtuse. “No, you shouldn’t be going out in the city at this time of night by yourself. Look, Kent, this isn’t Nebraska – ”
CLARA: Look, you sexist pig. Many women go around in the city after 9 without dying. You're my partner, not my babysitter. Stop treating me as a child.

Why do I have the strange feeling that Clara wouldn't be too keen on a partnership with Louis if he keeps treating her like this?

“He was a brilliant scientist and he cared about others,” Clara went on, needing to say it out loud, needing everyone to hear who this man was. “Under the circumstances, I don’t think that kind of humor is appropriate.”

The cop looked taken aback, and the he glanced past Clara, at Lou. “Hey buddy, you wanna come over here and get your girlfriend? She’s hysterical.”

For one terrible fraction of a second, Clara wanted nothing more than to slap the grin off the cop’s face. Her hands clenched into fists.

“Calm down, Farm Girl,” came a soothing voice in her ear. “He’s not worth it.”
Lou? Lou was the calm one? Lou? Why don't I sense him punching some guy's lights out in the future because of his 'baby sister's BFF' Clara?

As soon as Lou was asleep, Clara slipped out a window and flew high and fast. But no matter how fast she went, time moved stubbornly forward.
So, where's Lucy at this hour of the A.M.? I like this imagery though. laugh

Per mrsMxyzptlk's comment:
With Clara and Lucy hanging out, Louis can tell himself that he's just looking after Clara like he does for Lucy - that he's treating her like a little sister.
Why can I just picture Louis saying (in ASU) "I love you, Clara!" followed by a nice disclaimer "... like a sister."? That would be a fun episode rewrite. Is it on your list? Clara waking up in a hole naked, Louis berating an amnesiac Clara for letting the city take advantage of her, and insisting that she stay with him (and Lucy, if she's still around) until she regains her memories.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.