-- Continuation of response to Michael's - FDK

Plus, he’s got that little tattoo in just below his belly button, reading ‘Property of Lois Lane’ followed by some weird coordinate-like letters and digits.
LOIS: He also has one on the back... I mean, I have no idea what you're talking about.

CLARK: Yeah. Say, wanna grab a burger and fries?
LOIS: Only if we get a chocolate milkshake made with real chocolate ice cream to go with it.

LOIS: <<no longer blind>>
LOIS: Clark, you're so not wrong anymore!

She’s going to smack him silly!
CLARK: Okay.

LOIS: It was Chlamydia.

Turnabout’s fair play. So, will he behave better than her? After all, he’s not even housebroken yet.
TEA! It was TEA. Geeze. Personally, I think she's got him very well trained.

“Her chest”

CLARK: [Linked Image]

So, Lex put out a reward for finding Clark?
Lex is retracting first quarter bonuses.

Can Cat please help Ralph with uummm… remembering that he’s got man parts? In a very painful way?
Yes, well, Lois has already done that in this fic, so that joke would get old after a while, so no.

Well, either ‘No, thank you’ or ‘yes’.
Hey! He sounds like canon Clark, only he doesn't know "no, thank you."

CLARK: Hot water bottle. It’s a euphemism for umm…warming the lower part of my torso from the inside out.
CLARK: Her name was Meena.

My words exactly. He shouldn’t have dumped her. She’s always been a bit unstable and they never found Barney after that one night…
CAT: You guys. Always pussy-footing around. When there's work to be done, just do it and hope for the best!

Umm… Cat…?
Cat on a cool gravel roof?

He must be getting better. He’s already smartening up again.
So, his lunkheaded tendencies are from his nurturing, not his nature?

KENTS: I only told him about dissecting frogs once or twice a week.

Or was it taking advice from time-traveling strangers?

HERB: Well, it was fatal in my dimension. Why wouldn't it be so here?

Duh! I thought that the whole time in the hospital.
Yes, but a vitamin D regimen usually isn't on the prescription list at hospitals.

Why, it’s not like he’s going to wear any clothes up there, anyway.
CAT: Exactly.

No. She’s not galactically stupid.
LOIS: Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?

And we’re back to Forrest Gump again.
So, he's supposed to have figured it out from this crazy woman?

At the very least, he should *not* tell Lois that Cat was at his pants.
Gossip Columnist found floating in Hob's Bay with fur-lined handcuffs and a black hood. Foul play is not suspected.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.