Originally posted by John Lambert:
Hmm, I guess maybe there is not much chance telling her would give him rest. Especially since if he tells her CK=SM, she will go from not wanting him to go to REALLY not wanting him to go.
Well, there is that reasoning as well.

At the rate he is going he will never have any time.

Clark:See, Lois, unlike some people <cough> Luthor <cough> I do listen to you.
LOIS: Listening is only part of being in a relationship.

But didn't she tell him about the nightmare of being dragged off in a straight-jacket, or did she just rmeember that and not tell him.
She remembered it, but didn't tell him about it.

Just as long as he remebers he has to earn her forgiveness after she realizes what he has done wrong.
CLARK: Oh, right. My bad. [Linked Image] I had forgotten about that. Another reason to delay, delay, delay.

But has she ever been wrong?

Clark:She thought my name was Chuck. Do I need to say more.
She also thought that Jimmy would die in the Messenger warehouse, Ralph would rape her, and she'd marry Jimbo.

Clark:She hasn't yet when I was not wearing my glasses.

Reader:Well, I am thinking she either will think he is Clark, and wonder what happened to Superman, or realize he is Superman falling from the sky, and be really worried about Clark.
So, would Lois recognize Clark without his glasses, his hair not slicked back, and not dressed as Superman? Hmmmm. [Linked Image]

I do not envy that child at all.
I don't think any of us do.

So, Herb is supposed to tell him what exactly it takes to activate the curse? I was going to say "going to", but then I realized assuming Herb would succeed was unwise.
Well, he told Herb to find the antidote, so wouldn't that mean to find out the details of the curse? Oh, right. He didn't spell it out for Herb.

Since he has a time machine, does he actually have to return before finding the cure, ever? I mean, there is no limit to how much time he spends before may, well other than his life=span, right?
Sounds logical.

I was more thinking he is her ex-boyfriend. Wouldn't the whole thing be awkward? Based on what she knows of course.
Well, Clark's thinking when he returns, he'll tell her the truth, and therefore they'll go flying. Lois is thinking that flying with Superman is like DFCB for an adrenaline junkie like her.

Canon Clark:This Clark is much better at avoiding kissing Lois as SM.
It really is the *only* thing he's better at avoiding as SM.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.