On the other hand, did Cat know where Clark went to when he ran his inconvenient errands?
Yes, Cat knows.

“Who are you? His social secretary,” Cat snapped.
Well, I guess you could consider a girlfriend that.

“I’m his best friend,” Lois returned.

“We both know exactly what you are to Clark. He’s my best friend, and I’m his, so just deal already,”
Actually, I think Clark would back Lois on this one.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” What had Clark told Cat about their relationship? They weren’t supposed to be talking to anyone at work about it yet.
That does not keep Cat from assuming she knowns what is going on.

Okay, that wasn’t true. Lois had told somebody. She had told Superman that she loved Clark.
So actually she has told no one other than Clark, but she just does not realize that.

now that she was officially dating Clark? What was up everyone? She was the same hard-nosed reporter, she’d always been. Wasn’t she?
That sentance "what was up everyone?" seems to be missing something. Maybe it should have a "with" I am not totally sure.

Back in 1994 in his dimension, no “Nightfall” or any other kind of asteroid had hit, or had come close to hitting Earth. He couldn’t believe that something that independent of Earth’s history would have changed between universes.
Well, it is a logical theory. Unless someone on earth did something to draw in Nightfall.

As Joe Regular, member of the press, Clark Kent hadn’t needed to know.
This explanation makes sense. But is it really what happend?

which would burn up or be reduced to harmless in size by traveling into the Earth's mesosphere, would be like cannonballs fired at the defenseless station. If Superman exploded the asteroid, he could then make sure that the remaining meteors created would be burned up by his heat vision or blown off course using his breath.
Assuming he is not too hurt by the initial impact.

Angry that they gave him less than four days’ notice before impact and less than twelve hours warning before his ‘mission’, Superman had insisted that they inform him regarding their first knowledge of Nightfall and that such a collision was imminent.
This is a totally logical demand.

General Zeitlin notified him that nine months earlier there had been a discussion, within a very select group, to scrap or delay the Prometheus program in order to send the Asgard rocket into space to deal with the Nightfall asteroid.
That is not going to make Clark a happy camper. They waited as long as possible to tell him for no good reason at all.

initial calculations had shown, at that time, that there was a larger than fifty percent chance that the asteroid would miss Earth.
Maybe these were right.

When Professor Daitch had reexamined those calculations this morning after the eclipse, the percentage had dropped to under ten that the asteroid would miss Earth completely.
I guess this makes there notifying Superman now not seem quite so irresponsible. Up until now they thought it would not hit.

“I’m beat, Lois. I’m going write up that story and then crash. I expect tomorrow’s going to be a long day,” he said, closing his eyes, frustrated at yet another delay.
I guess I can understand why he is putting it off, still when does he plan to tell her? This does not sound wise.

Clark wanted nothing more than to tell Lois the truth, explain to her what he, Superman he, had to do for mankind, and sleep the night away in her arms.
That sounds like a good plan to me. Of course I am not sure Lois will want to spend the night with him after he tells her Ck=SM.

Unfortunately, telling her on the cusp of such a mission, and then leaving, was cruel.
I guess he does have a point.

He really did need his rest before flying a million miles to be a Kryptonian bomb, instead of spending the night answering Lois’s million and one questions.
I will grant that.

Additionally, after he told her the truth, if on the off-chance that she would let him sleep over, she would be satisfied with neither letting him just sleep in her arms or the explanation he would have to give why they wouldn’t be able to do more.
Well, if he says he has to rest up for the mission, without trying to explain it more than that, she just might accept it, for then.

“Why? What’s happening tomorrow? What did they say at the meeting?” Lois probed, as he knew she would.

“I’ll let Superman tell you,” he said. “Good night, Lois.”
I guess this makes sense.

“Hey! What about breakfast tomorrow? I really feel like I should make up for this morning,” she suggested.
I would hope he would tell her, but I doubt he will then.

“That sounds great. I’ll swing by early,” he said. “I really am sorry about this, Lois, please remember that. I love you.”
This may be very important for her to know.

“Thanks. Me too, Clark.
party party she loves him.

John Pack Lambert