It was late when Clark landed on the back porch of the Kents’ house.
smile1 he is seeing the Kents again.

something happened to him, and therefore to her boyfriend Clark?
Maybe the is a way he can prepare more so the thing does not happen.

He had explained everything to Lois in the letter addressed to her, everything about how he was Superman, how he came from another dimension to search for her, and about finding her true Clark in the Brazilian rainforest.
So did he mention the curse?

“He’s a priest?” Martha asked. “Is that why you suddenly decided to move forward with your relationship with Lois, after telling us it would never happen after that trouble you two had with the perfume?”
Well, since he knew Carlos was a priest before the perfume incident, that is probably not a factor.

When Lois had finally said ‘I love you’, he found he was unable to tell her ‘no’, yet again… well, at least, as it pertained to their relationship.
He really is not good at telling Lois no.

Lois:He had told me no more than enough about making love. Way more than enough.

“Well, that, and knowing that Lois returns my love. It’s hard to willingly give her over to a stranger, even if she should be rightfully his.”
Now the question is, will they send the letters?

Martha grinned. “I’m so happy for you,” she said, setting the pile of letters on the coffee table, where they promptly slipped off. She picked them up off the floor, pausing as she held up a thick one. “Clark Jerome Kent, are you flying off on a dangerous mission without first telling Lois who you are?”
Yes, finally someone is calling him on a stupid action.

“Do you think telling her just a few short hours before I’m to fly up into space is an even better idea?
Yes, that way she will recognize him no matter what he looks like when he lands.

Drop this news in her lap and then disappear on her? She has already told Superman that she doesn’t want me to go,” he said.
That is an odd phrasing. I half think he should say "doen't want him to go", but since speaking about yourself in the 3rd person is confusing, it probably makes sense he says something that confuses the whole issue of who Lois does not want going.

“How would you like it if you were to find out that Lois was pregnant with your child from a big thick letter such as this, after she went on assignment and never returned?”
Would her being pregnant be relevant if she was missing?

He took a deep breath and exhaled. “Anyway, Lois will never become pregnant with my child,” he confessed. “We cannot… can’t…” He closed his eyes, unable to say more.
That is totally besides the point. Martha was giving an example.

Clark remembered when Lana had told him how she never wanted to have children.
Lana was truly messed up and manipualtive.

He had tried to bring up the topic of adoption or foster children, but Lana had just given him that look, and he knew that the topic was closed.
I half wish Lana had become pregnant anyway, but I am not sadistic enough to wish her as a mother on any child.

When Wells had told him that in his dimension that Superman was known as the “father” of Utopia due to his and his Lois’s descendants, Clark felt like that part of his soul had burst with renewed hope.
Of course, maybe they were not biological descendants.

He could be a father. Now, that possibility had been taken from him again.
Unless they find a way to break the curse, or the curse does not really apply.

Even if he and Lois could somehow forge an intimate relationship without actually making love, who was to say that artificial insemination wouldn’t activate the curse and kill her.
Now that is a good question. He really should get the technical details of the curse figured out.

He was still hopeful that Herb would come back any day now with a solution,
I doubt Herb will return before May.

John Pack Lambert