“Anyway, with you here it proves to her family that Cat has more than just male friends,” he murmured.

“We’re not friends,”
clap I am loving this disalogue.

“I take back everything I said earlier. This party is going to be a riot.” Lois nudged Clark. “‘We’re working on that’?” she scoffed.
clap I guess she did not think through inviting Clark either.

Cat turned and enveloped Lois in their embrace. “And Lois, too. Wow! Thanks for coming, you guys. Have you met everyone? Let me give you the grand tour.”
Now I am shocked. I was expecting a negative reaction to Lois being there.

Maybe Lois and Cat would come out of this as friends.

Even Clark knew that wish would stretch this Christmas miracle to its breaking point.
Well, I am liking Christmas Eve so far.

John Pack Lambert