You think they actually kissed? Is that why Clark is looking so sheepish when Lois is "humilated" after the night of the 7 veils?
Actually, I would not be surprised if he gave in that much at some point. However, actually I was more thinking of when Lois drags Clark below screen level at the end of the scenes from the first day.

Lois: Well, that won't be all bad. Wait, no, what did I say. Clark, I did not say anything at all. You did not hear me speak, I did not say anything. Not at all.
clap You really do like the over-protesting, don't you?
Well, until Lois and Clark start actually admitting to each other how they feel, yes.

It's not necessary to read "Another Lois" but more stuff will pass you by if you don't. wink
Interestingly enough, the biggest issue that I was trying to learn about was not really addressed, so it didn't help me understand that. Although I guess I then realized that I was not missing any key information on that issue.

Canon LOIS: Nah, I didn't mind being choked until I passed out, Clark. :rolleyes:
Canon Clark: OK, you have a point. I am sorry about that.

Canon Lois: Just don't let it happen again. Not that I normally need your protection. I will be fine. Mr. Makeups in jail. You go home, and don't let me catch you hanging outside the planet building when I leave.

Clark: I can't trust myself to sleep, holding Lois who is just wearing my shirt, and no shorts. No I have to stay awake, if I fall asleep something awkward might happen.
Floating? wink
Clark: I was more thinking of subconscious hand drifting while asleep, but floating probably would be bad too.

John Pack Lambert