I still think Clark over-reacted to not being nominated for the Kerth.

On the other hand, I think Lois asking Jimmy and not Clark was down right mean.

In all, it could not have happened at a worse time for him. Without that stress, he would be in a better position to bring Lois in on the investigation.

I am also worried that she might not get away from the interview with Lex.

I am encoraged by his plan to try to bring Lois into the investigation. I am just hoping he works out a way to get Lois to listen to his explanation. He should probably lead off with Kahn's claim to be in a relationship with a high up at LexCorp.

I am just hoping getting shot and bought by Lex has caused Lois to not fully traust him. However, she seems to have just excused his behavior so far.

John Pack Lambert