Michael: Another 4-Parter! hyper Sorry, about the delay, I figured I should send the next Part to Beta before answering my FDK (and my kids insisted on breakfast). laugh

Oh dear. He shouldn’t kiss Lois underneath a high-voltage powerline. It might screw up the timeline. On the plus side, instant-healing for Lois.
LOIS: [Linked Image]

EW: Um, Lois. No.

LOIS: Aw, shucks. [Linked Image]

What? Oh. Right. Protection.
Nope, sorry, that will be addressed later.

He’s going to tell her?
He's thinking about it.

That should tell Lex all he needs to know. Now he can move on to Taiwanese triplets.
LEX: A good general doesn't rush into battle. He's patient and waits for the opportune time to launch his next attack.

What? *That’s* where he was coming from?
Well, he thinks that Lois is a bit angry at Superman at the moment for well, NOT saving her after saving her all those times she didn't need it. So, maybe this isn't the best time to mention that he once was Superman. Maybe later, after five years of marriage or so, when Superman is a distant memory. /psst. lunkhead logic/

To tell her she killed off Superman?
<<cough>> Technically, that would have been Lex.

But she would be more capable of fending him off when she’s 150%, wouldn’t she? So, it’s perfectly reasonable he…
But he likes a woman with vitality.

Like he could do– oh, right.
Yep, Herb should be coming along sometime soon, so it is a possibility.

/gets naughty thoughts/
So does Lois, hence her moan.

Ooooh! Say, what exactly will that involve?
[Linked Image]

Lois can. And so can Yoda.

So, still not over her modesty issues despite her nightly starring on Lex-Girls?
Lucy might be on the next Lex-Girls video, but Lois doesn't stretch and dance around the apartment, so no. (Sorry, Lois, you were cut).

Enough? What does he mean by ‘enough’? And how is there such a thing as ‘enough’?
For now.

Ooooh! More fantasy stuff.
Okay, maybe not enough.

Ooooh! She’s going to sleep like Clark does. With just sleepshorts on.
[Linked Image]

LOIS: <<one hand on her hip, other still in sling>> What do you mean? [Linked Image]? I most certainly will not! Correct that image in Michael's head right now! Thank you very much! [Linked Image]

EW: [Linked Image]

“Why?” and “No.” are both valid responses to this since her slapping arm is currently tied up.
Probably not the best time to test her ire.

That’s what icebergs are for.
And snow banks.

Getting changed? Or resisting the lure?

/Has very funny flashback to a different Lois eye peeking out a different door while she was nursing a bullet wound at a different spot on her body/
She did? Oh, yes, before the whole soldering incident. Got it. I had forgotten about that. No, this is a different kind of request.

She *is* trusting. How about she has him use a blindfold. Oh, and what if he accidently brushes things with the back of his hand?
LOIS: [Linked Image] Um... that would feel really good... I mean, Clark's a good guy, he wouldn't do that!

CLARK: I wouldn't? <<clears throat>> I mean, I wouldn't!

Nono, it’s all right. I’ll just use that UV-lamp over there and we’re good to go.
huh Why does Clark need to be rejuiced?

Huh. How did she manage to fasten it?
Nurses, very helpful, figured she wouldn't want to leave hospital sans bottoms.

That should give him something to think about. Let’s hope her bra doesn’t fasten in the front.
LOIS: If it unfastened in the front, don't you think I'd be able to reach it?

Which is, had they started to consummate, he would be able to undress and later redress her using superspeed and all in the name of moving things along.
Well, where's the fun in that? That's part of the pre-event activities.

I went a little crazy on smilies, so 3 part replay. Thus Endith part 1.

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.