He’s just not a fixer.
He does OK when he's wearing tights and a cape!

Hmm…Has Lana taken the phone off the hook?
From Part 1 ...

Clark could feel himself being jammed into a figurative corner. "Lana, you should have called me. You should have told me you were coming."

"Do you have plans with someone else?"

"Not exactly."

She strode to his phone, seized the handset, and held it towards him. "Whatever your 'not exactly' plans are, you can call and cancel."

He didn't have plans - only vague notions that he really needed to speak with Mayson and a simmering question about whether calling Lois to check she was home safely would be a good idea.

"I told you," he said. "I don't have concrete plans."

She smacked the handset onto the table, leaving the phone off the hook. "Then what are we waiting for?"
I really like all the new graemlins that are appearing in FDK.

Vicki I hadn't thought about listening for a heartbeat. I did want to personalise the baby - knowing he's a boy achieved that. Also, I justified Clark's actions (to myself, anyway laugh ) by figuring he was a bit shaken by Lana's behaviour and claims.

Thanks for the idea.

So, I'm killing time waiting until 8pm (you *did* post parts 1 & 2 around 8 my time, and according to my calculations part 3 is due TODAY! )
IIRC I posted Part 2 this time last week. I intended to do a quick run-through of the entire story, but I've spent the last five days working on Part 7. wallbash Every time I tried to move on, it just became obvious that Part 7 *still* wasn't right.

I've now reached Part 9, but I want to keep going rather than stop to post Part 4. Sorry for the delay. I have my f-i-l's 75th birthday celebration tonight. I'll try to get Part 4 to you tomorrow night - about 36 hours from now.
