We just thought we knew what the title referred to.


How is Mayson's body still in Clark's apartment building? I got the distinct impression that Clark watched Mayson leave before he went back to the bad place with the crazy lady. If someone had killed her then, surely he would have heard the tussle.

If Mayson left and came back, then where's Lana? Did Mayson come back to tell Clark that she believed him about not being the baby daddy? Did crazy Lana become killer Lana? Was someone else gunning for Clark and just found Mayson there? Did someone follow Mayson and clip her in Clark's building, or was she taken there under duress and killed there? Who is the real target? And how will Lois react to this soap opera setup?

So many possibilities, so few chapters, so little Thorazine for Lana. Come back here quick! This may be the best/worst cliffhanger in L&C fanfic history! (Can we say new Kerth category?)

ETA: Just re-read the last part and realized that Mayson's body is at the foot of the steps inside Clark's apartment. No wonder Wolfe and Henderson want to talk to him. But I ask myself again, where's Lana?

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing