Wow, what accusation is next? Not Clark = Superman, for that would solve the problem of Mayson's death quite nicely - but fuel Lana's allegations (as he could have flown to her any time he wanted). Ah, what a wicked web you weave.

Personally, I'd say that Clark did at least one sensible thing in talking to his parents. (Well, two, if you count him removing his super suits from the hidden compartment. Because I really think that Lana does not know Clark is Superman, and that her choice of words (high-flying reporter) is totally innocuous.) The other thing I would have expected of him was that he turns up at Lois's place (as Clark) and asks her if he can spend the night on her couch because he has a crazy ex-girlfriend in his apartment. After all, even Lois' couch should beat having to spend the night in the same place as Lana, or so I figure.

Just... what horrible super-power does Lana possess that she can manipulate people the way she does and probably even get Lana killed without moving out of Clark's apartment? Telepathy/telekinesis in combination? wink

The only known quantity that moves faster than
light is the office grapevine. (from Nan's fabulous Home series)