You’ve got to ration them, Virginia! Not read them all in one session. Authors, never follow their own recommendations.
Ration? What is this war-time? I ration your FDK, like Lois rations DCFB.

I’m sure Clark wouldn’t have.
Yes, but he's triple jointed.

You mean like ‘if you’re alone in a rented room with Lois, make love to her’?
Um... wouldn't that be a distraction from their <<cough>> DP assignment? Wouldn't that like be like Perry PAYING them to have fun, making them in essence Concubines for the DP?

Wouldn’t it be fun, if Clark was just listening to something and Lois blasted the horn next to him?
Doesn't Jimmy do that with the watch?

10,000 foot geese droppings!
So much for picnic in the clouds.

Hmm… No. And I think Lois agrees about him stealing her story.
Terribly sorry, I mixed up POVs.

You think if Clark found a crashed spaceship and shacked up with the wife he found in there would have permanently damaged his chances with Lana?
You mean, Sarah? Zara, that is. Yep, that probably would have damaged his chances with getting back with Lana too. I cannot agree she'd be big on cheaters.

Poor Clarkie. /asks Virginia to hug him/ Hmm… /Asks Virginia to send Clark to Sue’s cupboard for a night off/
WHAT?! I get him for a five second hug and Sue gets him ALL NIGHT? This is because she's writing Nfic, isn't it? [Linked Image] Well, let me tell you reading her story did inspire my Clark and Lois to... Never mind. [Linked Image]

Sue. Last Call Casualty.
Can't compete with the best. notworthy

She really wants to eat the cake, huh?
Just watched an episode of Smallville where a bunch of Sorority girls bake Clark a huge chocolate cake with his name over it in huge letters. I'm thinking YEAH, Lois wants a piece of that.

/imagines Clark posing as Superman in front of a full body mirror telling himself how super her is.
frown How sad. Role playing games for one.

Also, it’s twelve parts to dive into first bits of ep 3 and 4 of 22. So, say the total’s about 7 times that much for Season 1 alone?
blush Okay, there's this whole Chocolate bunny anology (or is it a metaphor?) I went into with my Betas... about the chocolate bunny of a story I started writing. It was only after writing this first story arc (eating the ears) did I realize it was a 2 ton 30 ft tall bunny. shock The story starts moves faster after that I promise. (Part 21, or was it 23?) grovel Please don't stop reading. I'm already into my third story arc (don't ask how many there are I haven't counted them), where I let my characters out to play. laugh [Linked Image]

"On the long road, take small steps." -- Jor-el, "The Foundling"
"clearly there is a lack of understanding between those two... he speaks Lunkheadanian and she Stubbornanian" -- chelo.