Catching up now. Officially.
“What do you mean baby Clark is dead?” Lois screamed at H. G. Wells.
She kicked the man in the stomach and then the crotch.
Go, Lois!
His face froze and he murmured, “I feel funny.” Suddenly, Tempus seemed more a collection of atoms and less a solid mass. A breeze passed through Rocky Cove and Tempus disappeared.
whinging whinging So sad. The way you bounced between those emotions- the hope that springs in both Martha and Lois' chests, back down to the heartwrenching reality of Jonathan's words... So depressing and painful. In a way, I hate that I can keep reading this.
“Time is like this line…” Wells picked up a stick and drew a line in the dirt. “Because Tempus changed history so drastically, at the point where Tempus, me, you, and Mr. Kent arrived in 1966 – or probably more precisely at the point in time where baby Clark died – our timeline split or shattered into two separate dimensions.”
Now Back to the Future logic I can follow. wink
She pulled out a notebook and pen and started writing. She described who Clark Kent and Superman were and what had occurred that day briefly. She wrote her contact information at the Daily Planet down at the bottom of the page. Then she tore it out of the notebook and handed it to Wells.
Smart choice. I only hope she will believe it in the Clark-less world she'll be returning to.
“What do you know about Tempus? His parents’ names? Where he came from? Anything?”

Wells shook his head softly.

“I refuse to believe that you of all people would bring someone from the future into the past without knowing something about them, doing some kind of background check.”
Good point. Otherwise, why bring Tempus back? As opposed to any other old stranger? (And if it was just a random pick of the draw, then I must say, Lois and Clark have *extremely* bad luck). There's gotta be something he knows, some sort of connection.
It must have been that investigation she had been working on into the wee small hours of the morning had drained her of energy. Mayson Drake’s death.
Which was why Mayson’s death had affected her so strongly. She would miss her one female friend, her best friend.
eek Surprise there. Just think- all it took was remiving the competition for the two of them to work things out.
That had been one strange dream. She shook her head. It had seemed so clear, so vivid, so real. She had been in love with a man, a handsome man with dark hair and glasses, and muscular physique. Him, she could remember, his name, not so much. She remembered how he had taken her into his arms and floated them over the fence.

Lois thought about that one detail again. That didn’t make any sense. People don’t float. She shook her head. Anyway, her dream man had disappeared, literally. And there had been a baby. Their baby? The baby had dark hair, so it could have been. But the baby died too.

Her chest ached at the thought of her baby dying. She wished she could remember the baby’s name. She had never wanted children before, never considered it a possibility. But this baby… she pined for this baby in a way she had never longed for anything in her life before.
To put it in terms of a dream actually makes a lot more sense. More sense than their real lives, anyway. And so sad the way she reflected on it. mecry
That was what most men she met did, with the exception of Lex. Lex had always been honest with her, which was why Lois Lane hardly ever dated anymore.
WHA...? eek
Men like that just didn’t exist, at least not in this universe
Sadly not.
Dan Scardino was interested in her, but she wasn’t sure about him. He seemed more Mayson’s type.
Ha! A pairing I actually would have agreed to!
Didn’t you get him checked suspenders last year? a man’s seductive, somewhat hesitant, voice asked inside her head.
Oooh. You know, this could be fun, in a sort of twisted way. If Clark's voice was in her head, slowly helping her remember things. Sort of like Ivy, but different of course. laugh
It looked like Cat Grant. Oooh. That would make her day.
Yay! Cat's still here! There may be some fun ahead, yet!
She smiled appreciatively and then took a closer look at the red mark on his arm. “Wow, that must be some itch.”
/snickers/ Are you going to include that too? Or am I to expect it in the sequel? Or is that reaching?
Lois didn’t remember writing the note. She had no idea who Clark Kent was nor who, or what, Tempus was. H. G. Wells? The author? The very dead author? Please! What kind of crap was this, Lane? Notes for a novel?
No! Buy it, Lois! Please? Your dream man will thank you later!
She shrugged and tossed the paper haphazardly onto her desk.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! *Never* leave important things in plain sight! With your luck?! wallbash It'll disappear before you know it (oddly familiar, no?)

Great, great, great job! Full of intrigue and suspense and heartbreak... Even if I wanted to stop reading it, I couldn't- I'm hooked! Can't wait for more (though I might have to with my own schedule)!

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain