Woo-hoo! Next chapter!
Kal was still asleep on the couch. The blankets were half hanging off him and he lay sprawled on his stomach. His head was turned to one side, though the pillow had fallen to the floor. Fasa was laying stretched out on Kal's upper back, and his head was resting on Kal's exposed cheek. Neither of them stirred at Lois' presence in the room. Fasa's paw twitched once or twice, as did his nose, but he was only engrossed in a dream.
Aaaaawwwwwwww! And side-point: Kal is lucky. I was watching my uncle's cat for 2 weeks and at one point he tried to do this to me- only the butt end was on my face. razz Stupid cats.
And any man that would allow an animal to sleep on his face like that couldn't be all bad, could he? At the very least, she was now sure that Kal hadn't lied to her. It was obvious that the cat hadn't been some ploy to get her to trust him.
Yes, Lois. Fasa is not your nemesis. Now let it go.
How could he ensure that they continued to have peaceful exchanges? Would breakfast be any less awkward than dinner had been the night before? Had there been some turning point for Lois, where she had decided not to act as if Kal was the bad guy?
Answers: You can try not speaking, but really there's no way to ensure peace. No, awkwardness will remain. A turning point? Not quite... Well, wait and see.
"Jai isn't a full-blooded prince, and therefore can never ascend to the throne. The law doesn't explicitly forbid him from hearing petitions, but the Elders frown on his presence. So he almost never sits in with us. And Zara is a woman. The law actually does forbid her to sit in on the petitions."
mecry He's not lying, or cheating, or anything of the sort. Just being brutally honest with you.
She'd trap Kal in his lie that he never visited the concubines. She'd keep an eye out. If Kal continued to disappear, she would start to shadow his movements at night and expose him for that cad that he was. Smiling to herself for the first time in weeks, Lois dropped off to sleep.
jawdrop Oh. No!

Another great chapter. Since you were nice and gave us *two* chapters, I suppose I can be nice and wait for Thursday to come instead of griping for more. Hope you finish writing soon!

Nothing spoils a good story like the arrival of an eye witness.
--Mark Twain