Another excellent installment. I love Lois's thoughtfulness here. Also it's nice to see her using her experience at the nursing home to make Clark's transition easier.

"I like it when you say my name."
Is it wrong that my mind went straight to the gutter on this one? laugh

Apple pie/ pizza bit was heartwrenching. Nice that she's opening up a bit to him. *hugs all around*

His eyes dropped to the chocolate and then rose. By the time they reached her face, a half-formed smile had split his beard.

Hee! Clark in a Winnie the Pooh sleeping bag is too funny.

She couldn't leave unless he did.

And she had no intention of spending the rest of her days in a compound behind a warehouse on Bessolo Boulevard.

This was no longer about making prison bearable.

This had become about preparing him for the outside world.

And getting him out.

Legally, if possible.

Or otherwise, if not.
Awesome! Mama Bear!Lois making an appearance and willing to skirt the law. laugh

Once simply wasn't enough.
Perfectly sums up my feelings about these updates.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record... v. much love Clark's POV.

He'd awoken this morning not knowing that his entire world was going to be turned upside down by a beautiful woman with mesmerising brown eyes and a laugh that was the sweetest sound he had ever heard.
It really was a crazy day for him - one never to forget, that's for sure.

Whatever she did, whatever she brought, Clark doubted she would be able to top what she'd done for him today.
Heh. He doesn't fully recognize what it means to be involved with Lois Lane.

The best gift she had given him was not the food, not the bedding, not even the clothes. The best gift was how she treated him as if he were just a regular guy. Not a monster. Not a killer. Not an alien. Not a prisoner. Not an animal. Just someone to hang out with.

Someone to share chocolate with.

She'd been so careful to show him respect. So careful not to intrude.
Again I'm a big puddle of gooe. Love this.

See you tomorrow, Clark.
After all tomorrow is another day! (Sorry, channeling my other favorite leading lady) But after the earth shattering events of today, I can't wait to see what's in store for him next.

And now for the teaser feedback... laugh Just when I'm satisfied with the way the chapter ended and feel certain I can survive until the next update, I go and read the teaser... hmm, I'm imagining all sorts of terrible things. At first I thought exploratory surgery. Then my mind went someplace darker along the lines of sterilization, presumably to prevent the proliferation of the alien species. But why bother with the forthcoming alien invasion? :rolleyes: And worse still, whatever the procedure, any operation would have been performed sans anesthetic, right? Gah! Can't wait for more!