I'm following two stories right now with rabid attention, this one and one in another fandom. The other author posted a chapter last night, and I decided to stay up late to read it before bed. You posted while I was sleeping, and I decided to read as soon as I got a few things done this morning. The only problem is, now I've got at least a few days to wait before either of you post again and it's going to kill me. goofy

(But thank you for posting Thursday -- early is always better for us readers, LOL!)

I know there will more strife ahead for our heroes, but this story is getting so satisfying. You made an interesting comment in your last feedback response, that because of all the outside problems Lois and Clark are facing in this universe, you're able to eliminate the problems in their own relationship. I found that very insightful, in part because it's a great way to describe my favorite types of stories -- ones where L&C have that "us against the world" bond and they face outside problems together. They can't not be together, because they are so drawn to each other. They need each other; they complete each other. And this story is using that premise, but in a completely new way. So major, major kudos to you. smile

I feel like the story took a giant leap forward in this part, both in the material things Lois has given Clark (the mattress, sleeping bag, pillow, puzzle) and in the emotional connection she has forged with him. It's clear to me that she's doing this to help herself as much as him -- she needs to recover from the terrible things that have been done to her, and she does that by helping him recover from what was done to him.

And incidentally, one of my favorite things about the way you've developed her character is how she seems to be well aware of that dynamic. Many stories (and let's face it, S1 canon) have Lois so emotionally shut down that she doesn't realize why she's so drawn to Clark or why she acts the way she does. Your Lois, on the other hand, seems perfectly aware of the situation (part of what makes her such a successful agent, no doubt) and is, in fact, embracing it. It's part of what makes this story so unique and refreshing and ... addicting.

This was no longer about making prison bearable.

This had become about preparing him for the outside world.

And getting him out.

Legally, if possible.

Or otherwise, if not.
This probably won't come as a surprise, but my heart did a happy dance of joy at this part. Because though I'm sure the road won't be easy, Lois Lane will not be denied!
