
You are the best. Thank you so much for this!
There was something about Clark Kent.

Something that reassured her.

Something that steadied her.
In any universe.

He got to his feet - diffidence cloaking him like a mantle of misgiving.
Nice imagery. I can just see him, so unsure of himself.

He gazed into the container for a few seconds. "Chicken," he said. It sounded more like knowledge than speculation.
She pointed her fork at him and laughed. "You've forgotten my name, haven't you?"

"No," he said solemnly. "I will never forget your name."
Nice. Such an abrupt change in mood, from Lois laughing and teasing to Clark's solemn vow.
He said her name with such utter softness that something stupid happened to her heart.
I don't know if this is some Australian turn of phrase, or if you just invented it, but I love it! "Something stupid happened to her heart." I'll have to remember that. goofy
"Never married?"

"No." So, the apple pie maker was probably his mom. Martha.

Clark stared at his last piece of chicken. "Are you?" he muttered.

An exchange of very important information!
Lois's attention was only three-quarters on the puzzle. Surreptitiously, she watched Clark.
I suspect it was mutual.
Did he like the beard? Or would he get rid of it if he could?
Shave! Please, shave!

Although, in a way, I'm glad he hasn't shaved yet. Clark looks like some sort of cave man, and even so, stupid things are happening to Lois's heart. There's a certain "Beauty and the Beast" thing going on here, that makes it interesting.
"Pooh Bear is definitely preferable to bare concrete."
Clark made a little joke! haha.

Others have already mentioned it, but I can't leave it out:
Until this afternoon, she had been working towards obtaining the best life possible for the prisoner.

How wrong she had been.


This was no longer about making prison bearable.

This had become about preparing him for the outside world.

And getting him out.

You left me so happy and satisfied. I was fully prepared to spend the next couple of days contentedly re-reading, savoring and enjoying this part. Ah, but when I come to post my feedback, what do I find but a cliff-hanger preview! You are evil Now, I am not content to wait at all; I must know! WHAT WAS THE OPERATION??!!

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster