I agree ... every chapter keeps getting better than the previous ones, although the previous ones were actually just as good. I think it has something to do with the story progressing at just the right level and going where we want to it go laugh

Loved this part and their interaction. A thought just occurred to me ... if Clark is so afraid to touch Lois (for obvious and justified reasons), will Lois be the first one to kiss Clark ... much later on in the story I presume?

My faovurite part was:

She couldn't leave him.

She couldn't leave him.

Until now, she had thought that she could walk away, content in the knowledge that she had made a difference ... that she had righted some of the wrongs inflicted by Trask.

Until this afternoon, she had been working towards obtaining the best life possible for the prisoner.

How wrong she had been.

Even if she did manage to secure a reasonable life for Clark - safety, dignity, provision of his needs - even then, she wouldn't be able to walk away knowing he was still imprisoned.

She couldn't leave unless he did.

And she had no intention of spending the rest of her days in a compound behind a warehouse on Bessolo Boulevard.

This was no longer about making prison bearable.

This had become about preparing him for the outside world.

And getting him out.

Legally, if possible.

Or otherwise, if not.
That was so sweet and true and I do wonder how you are going to get Clark out of his prison? DO you have an idea yet? And the preparing him for the world outside part was so poignant.

Looking forward to 8 ... and finding out what the surgery was (as we all now know that Clark can definitely communicate verbally!)
