Now he felt as if the most precious thing in his life had been ripped away.

*Had* her nightmare been about him?

Had contact with him freaked her out completely?
Poor Clark! frown

'Thank you for everything you have done for me.'

The word 'everything' was underlined twice.

His handwriting was neat and flowing.
Again, I want to weep...

Why didn't he speak?

Had Trask and Moyne done something to ensure that Mr Kent would never speak again? To guarantee that he could never tell of their atrocities?
Yes indeed! Why doesn't he speak?? The mystery of the age... or at least one of the mysteries of this story!

I feel like Lois is slowly coming back to life as well with the little things she's doing for him. Which is why she suddenly decided to play paper airplanes, I think. smile It's all so sweet and heartbreaking at the same time...

She would walk into the cell - without a rod - and she would speak to Mr Kent. Face to face.
Oh, yes, please!! clap

Love this story!! Can't WAIT for the next part!!

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink