I haven't commented lately - real life has become something of a bear - but I'm still following this one closely, Corrina. I really like the short, choppy sentences you're using, and I like the opposing points of view between Lois and Clark. You're like a boxer throwing jab after jab, just setting up your readers for the crushing power punch we can see coming but against which we have no ability to dodge or even brace ourselves.

When Lois walked to the cell and spoke to Linda as if she were still there, it was a sign that she's made real progress in dealing with her partner's death. I think the only way you could have made that relationship more poignant would have been to make Mayson her best friend and partner.

They're learning to trust each other. And they're both learning to trust the future. Even though there are probably some really serious difficulties ahead for each of them, there's a light at the end of their respective tunnels. What neither of them realizes yet is that the light is fueled by the other person, and that their journeys have a common destination.

I wonder if Lois will ask Clark to work with her as her new partner? I can't imagine Clark agreeing to that, unless he does it completely under cover (no pun intended) and totally outside the agency's control. Even then, he'd want some influence - if not control - over where Lois goes and what she does when she's there.

We still don't know what happened to the Kents. We don't know why Clark doesn't speak. We don't know what that "operation" was all about. We don't know what influence Moyne still has (or believes that he has). And we really don't know which side of the fence Scardino is on.

Ready for the next chapter! I'm waiting for the face-to-face meeting. It's gonna be a hum-dinger!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing