Now I have a few minutes to write a bit more.

Vegemite: Yum! Back in the 1980s, I lived in the Washington D.C. area and was in e-mail communication with an Aussie. He waxed poetic about the spread so I tracked some down. (In that area, one can find food from just about anywhere in the world if one tries.) It actually reminded me of a very salty, thick beef bouillon in texture and flavour. I can see where it might be considered an acquired taste, but I liked it.

Flinders Street Station photo: To quote Gilbert and Sullivan, "How beautifully blue the sky!" Does the sky really get that blue there, or have the colours in the picture been altered? I'm also surprised that such a young country would have architecture that looks so old. I love it!

Lois non-reaction to Dan's letter was intriguing. Perhaps there is less between them at that point than Clark thinks? In part one, Lois was sad when his name came up and said that she would miss him. She did NOT, however, say that the two of them were currently dating. Maybe they had just broken up? I guess I'll have to tune in to future parts to find out.

And speaking of Dan's letter, I love the description of Cat. I can't see how Clark could take offense at it, since it is so accurate.

I don't think I've ever seen a sports field that was not rectangular. (Well, golf courses aren't necessarily rectangular either, I guess. But they are so large that I don't usually think in terms of borders with them.)

Regarding other sports where one earns points for missing: How about darts?

I can't wait for part four...Lois and Clark sitting back and watching TV. This should be good!
