Interesting discussion about whether rape was what was going on here. Patrick, I'm sorry that you felt you had to delete you comment becasue it has raised some interesting points about how we interpret what we're reading and stimulated some interesting discussion.

I have to admit, as ML's beta, it never crossed my mind about this being rape. I shoould add here that I have probably been one of the more 'vocal' posters on these mbs on issues of harrassment, abuse, etc (etc being a euphemism for ... laugh )

And it did not even cross my mind that this was rape. So, Patrick, you made me think and so thank-you. Btw the way, I also think you can argue semi-rape (yeah, I know, define the term) by Lois here but of course you can argue (as I did in my mind at the time) that instinctively Lois knew where her heart was.

So both Lois and Clark behaving a tad badly but with their hearts, instinctively) in the right place (should that be places?)

It's been quite interesting to read people's discussion on this scene and on memory.
