I know it's almost a year later. may I submit a few thoughts on the history of the character.
It's quite possible to think of him being Clark, raised by the Kents, but his first arrival on Earth might have been in the 30's. That would mean 10 years or so raised by the Kents [and learning their morals], 10-15 years[which brings us to the late 50's],having been identified by the government as an alien and raised to be a secret weapon, about 20 years as a secret weapon, which would include the meeting with Perry [to the late 70's early 80's], and that brings us up to the 90's which gives him a few years to deprogram himself in the Himalayas and the outback which would give you a kinder Clark with some of the sharp edges filed down.I don't see him killing the taxi driver who was no danger to him, so I doubt he killed the General too.Any way there is still a possibility as presented above to maintain one Clark without the implication that that's another body that will never be found, After all you said he hadn't aged a day in 20 years, why not in a lot more than 20 years?