And another thing....

Also, this evil Clark is a lot different from most evil Clarks I've ever seen. He hasn't tried to take over the world, and that is what gives me pause. If he has all these powers and is unharmable, then why not dominate the world? Why yield to the millitary? Why seek an alias and a job? I get the impression that Kal-El just wants to be left alone. Yes, he seems to have a cold heart, but he's not...*actively* evil.
I agree with Queenie.

And that's why I was wondering if this Clark has a hope of redemption. This Clark didn't start killing people (at least, outside his job) until they tried to kill him first (although I know that's no excuse.)

Maybe falling in love with Lois can give him the touch of humanity that he lacks. And her belief in him will make him want to be the better person, the superhero, that he is capable of becoming. Maybe someone just needs to believe in him. Maybe this version of Superman needs someone else to be the light, to guide the way.

Or, you could just leave him as the amoral, doing-what's-expedient killing machine. And frankly, from the way you wrote this fic, I'll bet that's a lot more likely to occur than redemption is. But there's still that niggling possibility....

(See! Now you've got me wondering again....)