Whoa! Great fic!

But on a practical level, you really can’t be less ruthless than the opposition, no matter what your vaunted morals. And therein lies the rub. Someone has to be the blunt instrument. Someone has to do the dirty work, no matter how dirty, no matter how immoral.”
And that's why we love the real Superman - he would never stoop to others' levels.

Perry held out his hand. “Welcome to the Planet, Kent.”

“Thank you, Mister White,” Kent replied, squeezing Perry’s hand just a little too tightly. “Somehow I knew I wouldn’t be disappointed coming here.”
Wow! I loved those last lines. Perry's "welcome" has such undertones (a totally different spin on why Clark was hired), and Clark's last line is just so full of silky menace. Dressed up nicely, of course.

I whistled in admiration when I finished this fic.

P.S. I'd like to hope that (as the poster above mentioned) the smile for Lois means that this Clark can feel emotions, can feel love, and can possibly be redeemed. Can his love for Lois show him the way to, if not repent, at least swear to sin no more?