You weren't kidding about the cliff-hanger mecry Lois' letter was lovely, but heartbreaking. She described how she feels really well. I don't know why, but I got the feeling that somehow Kal will read it. I know he can't read earth writing but....I don't know. I know she could end up reading it to him. He is bound to find out the content one way or another. Maybe I'm wrong. It was beautiful anyway.

I imagine how it would feel to agree to marry you and see your smile burst with happiness.

I guess no one has ever told you that your smile is spectacular ... it is Kal ... it never fails to warm me inside.
Of course it would be so easy in some ways for Lois to say yes and make Kal so happy, but she knows it wouldn't be right for either of them. It has to be a proper acknowledged marriage or not at all. Kal at least can see this now too, much as he hates it, but Lois doesn't know yet.

I love how she tells him how wonderful his smile is. It seems however powerful he is, Kal is insecure, probably because of his sheltered existence. Compliments are very important for his self-esteem, which has taken quite a knock with Lois' seeming rejection. I am sure he's going to read it!

For so long, I thought I was hopelessly inept at the whole relationship thing. Only now do I realise that I was looking on the wrong planet!
notworthy notworthy


"There's a fine line between brilliance and lunacy" - CK to LL(Madame Ex)