Now that cliffhanger was really evil! I'm sure that Kal has something else in mind, but just the same...

I agree with the majority that Tek is sincere. I don't think anything inappropriate is going on with him and Ard. Since she is so child like, he probably just checks in on her. Tek reminds me of Lord Kal-El's aid (the older white haired man) on the NK Arc who had his best interest in mind, always--I forget his name. And Tek's wife is a beautiful soul.

Let's hurry and get these two poor sad souls together. Whatever needs to be done. I really feel bad for Kal because he feels something that he knows so little about and I know it must be frightening as much as overwhelming. The supreme ruler should be able to handle anything, yet Kal has no clue how to control this "love."

Corrina, have fun on your trip! But post before you leave!!! Like yesterday!

Absolutely brilliant!


I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.