I love Kal's take-charge attitude. Nor was thinking that it could only help his plan if Kal was distracted by the alien woman. He didn't figure on Kal realizing how he'd been kept in the dark and giving himself the world's fastest self-education.

And Lois is getting her questions answered right and left.

Your cliff-hanger cracked me up. We know that's not what Kal is thinking of because he himself realizes that Lois is deliberately rationing their physical contact. 'Rationing' is a brilliant word there, BTW. And he has great insight into *why* she can't marry him. He's going to find a way to make it work. I see a Ching/Za match up in the near future.

You've made Kal such a complex, fascinating character--a mixture of inexperience, intelligence, curiousity, and determination. It's a joy to watch him bloom.

This *is* my happily ever after.