Mel Glad you're enjoying it. Thanks for the FDK.

Happy Girl I loved your FDK because you skirt around some of the places we are going and if it makes sense to you, I have more confidence it will seem reasonable to everyone else!


Good question! Corinna, there is always the dark side of the boards for that, if you want to go into any sort of details!
When I was first thinking about this story, I knew it crossed the line and would have to be 'on the dark side'. However, as I wrote, I found myself drawn so much more to the 'sweetness' than the 'hotness', so edited accordingly.

I have no plans to post any of this fic on the nfic board.

Good question. In any case, Kal's marriage is a very severe impediment to any sort of future he may have with Lois. Surely, Corinna, you are not suggesting that Kal might keep Lois "on the side" while still being married to Zara?
NEVER! I love Clark's/Kal's integrity and his respect for Lois. I would find it really difficult to go anywhere that undermined this.

And nice pic of the comet, too!

Shadow Thanks - you're right, this is basically a love story and the rest is just dressing.

Pedendang Thanks for your ideas re the climate.

I'm thinking Kal's secret has something to do with the reason he's never been intimate with anyone in his entire life. It's something he's ashamed of, or something he's not capable of but doesn't dare to tell anyone about, or something along those lines.
Close ... so close.

Kathy Thanks.

I really don't want to say anything about Nor or the mother or Kal's secret ... so I'll just leave it at 'thanks'!
