Artemis I don't think I've ever actually said it, but I see NK as mostly flat - so no ... there's no paradise on the other side of the mountain!

I wanted to portray NK as a difficult natural environment. I think Ching said something about 'forging a life on an inhospitable rock'. Where I live has been in drought for so long, I think 'difficult' equals 'drought' for me.

It's amazing how you can hanker for puddles after awhile!

Thanks for reading and leaving FDK.

Ann Thanks for your FDK. I'm glad you liked the first smile.

I agree completely with what you say about our communication going far beyond mere words.

About Nor - this was just a small taste of who he is. (More coming - sorry!) His belief that Lois is ugly was meant to say more about his world view than Lois's looks. I don't think 'racist' is exactly the word to describe him, but he has the same unshakable belief that those who are different are inferior.

Similarly what Kal sees as providing fair and equitable leadership, Nor sees as 'coddling the underclass'.

bakasi Thanks for your comments.
I'm glad you're finding the fic interesting.

Michael There are reasons why Kryptonians behave the way they do towards Lois. However, for now, it's mainly contrast - compare the reaction from everyone else with how Kal treated her - from the first moment!

Sorry, Michael, there was no chance of Part 7 being there when you woke up. My buffer has gone from 5 parts to 4. Once I get Part 11 to Iolanthe, I'll post Part 7.

Thanks for all your wonderful FDK.

Sarah About the love story ... I realise we don't like Nor, but he has a crucial part to play in this love story, so much as we despise him, we're going to tolerate him for a time!!!

Thanks for your FDK, Sarah.

Laura Thanks for your comment, Laura.

Pedendang Thanks for your comments.

Just a question, if you had Nor somehow stopping it from raining, how would he achieve that? He's evil and power-hungry, but that doesn't mean he can control the weather.

Just wondering ...

Thanks for all your commments. I appreciate your input.


And Kal has a secret - some things never change!!
I wondered if anyone would pick up on that!

Thanks for your FDK.
