Okay, really short FDK - this was lovely!

Lois teaching Kal how to smile. Absolutely wonderful! I can just see them, her with her fingers gently on his face, lifting the corners of his mouth! And both of their hearts racing madly!

And Lois is speaking with her face - that's a lovley expression.

(It reminds me of a scientist or other who speculated that humans have recognized and been reading meaning into each other's faces for much longer than they have been able to speak. I have no idea if that is true or not, but I do think it is true that our brains are really busy studying other people's faces. We most certainly are face-freaks. Just think how comparatively uninteresting we find other people's knees, for example....)

And Lord Nor's plans are watertight? Watertight? What an interesting choice of words, given the current tightness of the water situation on Krypton. Say, you don't think that lack of rain is man-made? Krytonian-made? Lord Nor-made?

Another musing on Lord Nor's part was interesting, too:

Could it be possible that Kal-El had finally managed to comprehend that there was more to life than coddling the underclass?
Kal has been coddling the underclass? He has been nice to people who aren't Lords? I'm not surprised, but it's good to hear it anyway.
