Um ... wow.

First of all, thanks for taking the time to read and comment on this, you guys!

When I posted this, the last thing I expected was to get an abundance of praise, especially since I explicitly gave everyone permission to talk about the bad and the ugly, too :-). I feel honored.

HappyGirl, what you said made a lot of sense to me, so I've made a couple of changes in my story to address the things you touched upon. Thank you for taking the time to go through it with a fine-toothed comb!

Kathy, you're right about that opening sentence, of course, so I changed that too. Like wrecked vs. wreaked, I suspect it's one of those mistakes I'm bound to make from time to time, because English is not, in fact, my first language. Dutch is. But I'm flattered that you think so highly of my linguistic ability :-).

Carol, I want to thank you very much as well for taking the time to answer one of my questions, even though I know, now, that you usually keep your feedback very short :-). I'm going to hold off on the labeling for now, because I have a sneaking suspicion that would ruin part of the experience. But I'll keep your suggestion in mind. Maybe there will come a point in the story when I can no longer always make it clear from the start who is talking, and then some kind of labeling might be a good way to address that.

And Mrs. Mosley, I appreciate you dilligently answering every one of my questions. I thought about your words concerning Lois' POV, and I know what you mean. There are many possible incarnations of Lois Lane - especially the pre-marriage Lois Lane - and I suppose that just goes to show how good the show was at conveying Lois' version of the 'secret identity', through which she so successfully hid her true thoughts and emotions from the outside world. But as long as you guys still think my Lois sounds and feels like the Lois you've come to know and love, I'm happy!

By the way, did I say you guys rock?

You guys rock!

You can gaze at the stars, but please don't forget about the flowers at your feet.