Hel-lo! Awesome new L&C writer!

Do you think the way this story is told is in-character for Lois/Clark respectively?
Clark's POV is absolutely in character. Lois's POV is not NOT in character, if that makes sense. Her actions are certainly in character, but in first-person POV, I imagine you want to know if her thoughts are in character. She doesn't wear her heart or thoughts on her sleeve as Clark does, so it's hard to say what is going on in her head just from watching the episide. Her thoughts are subject to a vast number of interpretations, much more so than Clark. Your interpretation of her thoughts are somewhat different than others I've read, but I like it very much and it does still feel Lois-like to me. I certainly don't want you to change it.

Does the style (constantly changing perspectives, first-person point of view, ...) work for you?
Yes. I like the immediacy of first-person POV, and I like the way you simply drop the reader into the scene without preamble. It makes me feel like I'm in their heads.

Do you find any part of this story boring to read?
Heck, no!

There's something noir-like in this story, and it intrigues me. It's not really your hook that has grabbed me - although I've never read a fic where CK's blindness wasn't cured at the point where the episode left off, and it does interest me - but more the aura of the story.

I hope to see more very soon.

lisa in the sky with diamonds