I agree with much that has been stated above, but I do differ on the out-of-characterness. It has been years since I've watched an episode of LnC, and I have come to the realization that I have idealized Lois and Clark in my mind to the point that no characterization of them in any publication (movie, tv, comic, etc) has fulfilled that ideal. That said, I am very forgiving of the versions of them that show up in fics because I know this is us throwing them into crazy situations and seeing if they can swim. The current LnC that are in this fic are certainly frustrating, but I'm not at the point where I find them unrecognizable.

OTOH, I have certainly sat in reservation about how their relationship is going to work out. I can't see their happy ending from where I'm standing right now, so I keep coming back every day in anticipation for the turning point. I almost feel like Clark desecrated Friends by alluding that Lana is his Rachel. The boy is confused and I think he needs a FoLC intervention.

Loved the pics, Carol. DS is very cute and precious even when he was all swaddled up and in the hospital. I just wanted to hug him.

As for the previews... that 'Make me forget' thing really feels like a red herring. Add my vote to the 'beneficial relationship' deal. I think they need to reignite the flame before it gets too easy to walk away (because aside from Navance, I still don't have a burning need for them to be together).

Carpe Tomorrow!

October Sands, An Urban Fairy Tale featuring Lois and Clark
"Elastigirl? You married Elastigirl? (sees the kids) And got bizzay!" -- Syndrome, The Incredibles