She's already rejected the third option: his staying because he loves his family and has decided to be husband and father for as long as he lives.
I would actually be ok with this option. I think a commitment to having a stable, loving family is just as important as all this love BS.

A few people have commented on how different this is from the tv show we used to watch, but one really doesn't have a lot to do with the other for my viewing purposes. I always thought that part of what made Clark so 'Clark' was all of the life experiences he had before he met Lois. But here, by throwing an evil dictator into the mix, he hasn't travelled the world. He hasn't had the opportunity to perform miracles all over the world and realize how much he wants to save people. He hasn't had the opportunity to realize what a cow Lana is and develop some extra values. He may talk about being Mr. Incredible, but without seeing the world, he hasn't seen how much it needs a hero--someone with higher standards who's going to leave things better than when he arrived. Maybe the poor guy just needs to go find himself.

Just my spare change.
Great parts, wink

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy