Hey guys! angel-devil

Was I evil with that Kryptonite excerpt? Really? wink

Lieta - RADFO - should be posting shortly.

Sheila - yes she did...

Sara - I don't know that he's getting pressure from Lois. We haven't seen what else she says does though I can see how it might feel like it.

Natascha - Mindy is still around - no bus or anything - guessing she's off with Church or something. She will reappear at some point, though I don't know if it's going to make it into OTOH - might be a sequel - not quite sure how that's going to play out.

Framework - interesting analysis about the maskless Superman.

Michael - how do you really feel? wink I don't think they're 50/50 on whether or not Christopher is Clark's son, but absent confirmation at this point... Tropical island? For swimming with dolphins? That will come up at some point, but I'm not sure when.

Ann - please don't overdose... wink . Speaking of Learning to Love - it's on the archive!!!! WOOHOO!! Totally random tangent there...

Sonia - I'm here! I'm here! I need to work on my ficathon submission too. Maybe I should take some time off OTOH to do so... /ponder/

Natascha - He talks about his brother, Van-El, who looked to be about 15 in the holograms. However, there was only one ship. He figures if his brother had managed to survive, he'd have someone he could really talk to.

Lara - Um... I'll let Michael deal with the Queen of Evil stuff. *I* don't think I remotely qualify but... /shrug/ wink .

JD - exactly!

EminMN - interesting. The 'theme' of the titles of the stories in this series is country songs. Not sure why, that's just the way it's gone. /makes note of others/

lovesuper - um, thanks. /doesn't tell DH she just got a big online smooch/

Sheilah - thanks. At least one of those ways is still to come. Lana hasn't gone quietly into the dark night though it may be a while before we see her again - several have alluded to it already though we haven't seen it [and shouldn't have yet]. There's also the 'don't expect me to play stepmommy' stuff, which I don't think she *really* means - I think if Clark comes as a package deal, she'd eventually accept it [though it probably wouldn't be her first choice]. Though Clark did have a bit of a rough start with Christopher, he was well past that long before he began to think that he could actually be the biological father.

Okay - off to get the next 2 ready!