/falls over/ Get back here!

Lovely yet evil and torturous cliff hanger... and just when I thought I had my reactions in check.

Yes, that is what I wanted from Lois, albeit that was more direct than I'd ever hoped we'd get. I too was getting frustrated with her for all of the pent up feelings and sly comments. Complications galore, woot!

I have no idea what Clark is going to do with that explicit announcement, but I love that she walks away right after it. We know Clark can't force himself to love someone, but I wonder if part of his reluctance to letting Lana go has to do with the idea that he wouldn't find *love* anywhere else. He already considered that his Kryptonian physiology could have soul-bonded him to Lois, so it is possible that there is something underlying and subconscious that is going on with his feelings that he hasn't been able to classify yet.

While Lois is worried that she's going to get her heart handed back as chum, I'm worried that Clark is going to start being extra careful and will examine every action before he does it. Does that mean no more cuddling? I hope not... and Lois better not take it back either! :fist shake:

And so the countdown for tomorrow's posting begins...
(/who maybe should use this time to work on a ficathon submission)

October Sands, An Urban Fairy Tale featuring Lois and Clark
"Elastigirl? You married Elastigirl? (sees the kids) And got bizzay!" -- Syndrome, The Incredibles