I just remembered something...
In an earlier chapter not long ago when Clark was wishing he had anyone he oculd talk to, didn't he say "If only my brother had lived (or survived)"? Or am I imagining things?
I have been reading this other story about Clark and his twin brother so maybe I am just confused.
Can you shed some light please?
I will go back to look myself too.


Thanks Michael for keeping me sane. wink
I just found it in Chapter 95 I believe:
They wouldn’t understand the struggle I was having; the struggle whether to let the idea of a future with Lana go – like they'd told me to a long time ago without knowing all the details about my future with Lois – or to hang on to the dream I'd had since childhood, really.

Who could I go to?

The answer was no one – maybe Daniel or Jack, but that was about it, and it wasn’t like either one of them were a real option.

Jimmy was out.

So was Sam.

If only my brother had lived...

I sighed again.

And if wishes were horses, beggars would ride.
Hasn nobody else questioned that yet? Or have I just not noticed you mentioning this in earlier parts. Did they ever talk about a second baby in the ship? Or did the globe mention Clark having had a brother on Krypton?